Periodontal treatment
methods depend upon the type and severity of the disease. Dr. Boretsky and his hygiene staff will evaluate you for periodontal disease and recommend
the appropriate treatment.
Periodontal disease progresses as the sulcus (pocket or space) between the tooth and gums
gets filled with bacteria, plaque, and tartar causing irritation to the
surrounding tissues. When these irritants remain in the pocket, they cause
infection and damage to the gums and eventually, the bone that supports
the teeth!
If Periodontal Disease
is caught in its earliest stage, Gingivitis and no damage has been
done, one to two regular cleanings will be recommended. You will also
be given instructions on improving your daily oral hygiene habits and
having regular dental cleanings.
The LPT Procedure
Dr. Boretsky will schedule a comprehensive periodontal examination to explain how
the laser works and give you a demonstration. Next, Dr. Boretsky will take X-rays to make a definitive diagnosis and determine the extent
of the infection and review various treatment options. If laser therapy
is indicated, when you return for your first LPT treatment, you'll receive
a local anesthetic to eliminate any possible discomfort. A general anesthetic
isn't necessary, because LASER PERIODONTAL THERAPY
is much less traumatic than traditional gum surgery. A tiny laser fiber
(about the thickness of three hairs) is placed between the tooth and
the gum, and the infection is cleared away. The procedure is fast: It
takes just two 2-hour sessions. Dr. Boretsky will treat one half of your mouth at each session.
A. A deep periodontal pocket, with loss of bone, and tartar on the root surface is determined to be present. |
B. The laser selectively removes the infected gum tissue that lines the pocket wall, removing unhealthy tissue that lines the pocket for improved access to the pocket and the root surface. |
C. Tartar and other debris is removed from the root surface, and rinsed out of the pocket. |
D. The laser is used again to kill any bacteria or toxins that remain on the root surface or in the gum tissue, completely disinfecting the area. |
E. The gum tissue is readapted back to the root surface and is seated to the root surface with a dense fibrin clot. We have a very small, sterile wound area that is now sealed shut. |
F The bite is adjusted to eliminate any trauma to the tooth, and to balance out the chewing forces throughout the region. |
G. Complete heating results in pocket depth reduction through reattachment of the gum tissue and connective tissue back to the root surface. |
WHY IS LPT better?
Periodontal Treatment is about as easy as erasing a blackboard
theres no cutting, no scraping and no suturing.
Compared to traditional gum surgery, There is much less discomfort
It takes less
time than traditional surgery. All it takes is two 2-hour visits
to the dentist and two follow up visits. Traditional surgery requires
four sessions of about one hour each, with subsequent visits for suture
removal and additional check-ups.
LPT gives better,
longer-lasting results. In fact, 98% of LPT treated patients remain
stable after five years, while only 50% reportedly remain stable after
Dr. Boretsky will probably recommend a soft diet for a day or two, and common sense
should prevail, but in most cases, patients feel good enough to eat
anything they want right after the procedure.
Following traditional
surgery, recovery can take between to 2-4 weeks and during this time,
patients can experience considerable pain, swelling, or bleeding and may also be restricted to liquid or soft diets. There is less
than 24 hour recovery period, for LASER PERIODONTAL THERAPY so you
may not lose time from work. It is safe for patients with certain health
concerns such as diabetes, HIV, hemophilia, or those taking medications
such as Coumadin or Cyclosporin.

Do all dentists have the Periolase Laser?
No. Dr. Boretsky is one of the first periodontists in the State of Georgia to utilize
this laser, the only periodontist in the city of Columbus, and one of
only 100 periodontists in the world willing to invest in this 21st Century
Technology. Dr. Boretsky has completed advanced training in the use of the Periolase and is licensed
to perform the LANAP, Laser Periodontal Therapy and has received his
Laser certification from the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry under the guidance of Dr. Robert Greg and Dr. Del McCarthy, co-inventors
of the Periolase and co-developers of the LANAP protocol.
What exactly is Laser Periodontal (gum) Therapy?
Laser Periodontal
Treatment is called LANAP or Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure, and replaces
the old traditional treatment of cutting away of the gums and the old
fashioned bone surgery with its scalpels, sutures, blood and pain.
The Periolase Laser
removes only the diseased tissue and leaves healthy tissue unharmed.
The technique involves two passes with the laser, with comprehensive
ultrasonic cleaning of the pockets completed between the 2 laser passes. Dr. Boretsky will also adjust your bite at each appointment, a vital step in assuring
proper healing.
How much pain will I have?
There will be NO
pain during the surgery. You will be completely numb and we can also
use an oral anxiolytic to help you relax. There is very little
post treatment pain as there is with traditional surgery because the
laser promotes the body's natural healing process. Patients who have
had the LANAP laser gum surgery experience very little discomfort following
the procedure and most often only have to take Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
to feel comfortable.
How many appointments does it take?
We try to complete
the treatment in two appointments which are scheduled two weeks apart.
This is the best way to get rid of the pathogenic bacteria that cause
periodontal disease and keep it from spreading to other areas of the
What exactly happens to my diseased pockets?
You can expect to
have NEW gum attachment and bone formation in most of your pockets. This Laser LANAP Therapy is the only FDA cleared laser procedure
that will actually give this result. Most Dentists treating gum
disease with only "soft tissue management" and Scaling and
Root Planing will only see REPAIRED attachment, which is far inferior
to new gum and bone formation as seen with the Laser Periodontal Therapy.
Is the Laser Periodontal Therapy a Cure for my Disease?
No. There is no
cure for moderate to severe periodontitis. The good news is that we
can now treat it very effectively with the Periolase Laser LANAP therapy. Just like so many other diseases such as Diabetes, for which
there is no cure, periodontal disease can be successfully treated to
allow you live with the disease under control.
I have seen other dentist adds for laser gum treatments. Are they
the same thing?
If the dentist is
not using the Periolase laser and following the LANAP protocol the answer
is NO! The FDA has only cleared the Periolase Laser and LANAP to be utilized for this protocol. Only dentists who have been trained
and licensed for the Periolase LANAP therapy
can claim to treat your gums with new attachment and bone formation.
There are other
lasers (diode, and erbium lasers) which can be used to treat minor gum
problems but these laser procedures have NO FDA cleared research
to show new attachment or new bone formation after treatment!
PerioLase® from Millennium Dental Technologies is the only laser
designed especially for LASER PERIODONTAL THERAPY. (LANAP) A powerful
6 watt FR (Free Running) Nd:YAG (Neodymium: Yttrium Aluminum Garnet)
laser with the unique features necessary to perform LASER PERIODONTAL
THERAPY and all other soft tissue procedures. The founding clinicians
of Millennium Dental Technologies, Robert H. Gregg, II, D.D.S. and Delwin
K. McCarthy, D.D.S., have combined their talents, knowledge and expertise
to perfect a powerful laser with the unique features and capabilities
needed to quickly and effectively perform LASER PERIODONTAL THERAPY
(LANAP) as well as all other soft tissue laser procedures.
Designed to optimize
the performance of LPT, the PerioLase® has the power and versatility
to perform a wide range of soft and hard tissue laser procedures, allowing
the dentist to provide a full complement of new soft and hard tissue
laser treatment options for their patients.
This is proven technology
and FDA approved. The PerioLase® is the latest generation of dentistry's
first pulsed Nd:YAG laser and the world's most widely used dental laser
platform. It's the first laser in dentistry to incorporate DIGITAL technology
for enhanced performance and reliability.
new periodontal ligament attachment to the root surface in the absence
of long junctional epithelium is a patented, bold breakthrough technique
for dentists to treat periodontal disease in a general or periodontal
practice setting. It offers our patients a significantly less traumatic
alternative to traditional periodontal (gum) surgery.